People and lifestyle
Rental house shortage a concern

MEGAN Peirce was born in Wodonga, has lived in Wooragee for the last three years but has had family living in Wooragee for a decade.

What's your job?

Alongside my partner Ollie, I run a freelance graphic design/illustration agency called Asette Studio as well as The Beechworth Conservatory which is boutique indoor nursery/coffee and house/heritage accommodation. I also work for amazing local design legend Fiona Larkin at WWWART. Safe to say I'm busy.

What brought you to this role?

We started Asette Studio in 2017 in Melbourne while working some uninspiring hospitality jobs. We've been slowly building towards working for ourselves full time, but that

opportunity didn't present itself until we stumbled across an old empty shop front at 9a Bridge Rd, Beechworth.

What do you love about your job?

I love connecting to the community through our shop. Being a designer can be a solo

journey at times, so it's great meeting new people. I love interior design and random projects, and the shop has no shortage of opportunities to fulfil this love.

What do you do in the community?

The Beechworth Conservatory provides a safe space for people to connect to the

community and experience a sense of social security without judgement.

What's the most important current community issue for you?

Rental house shortage. While this is currently a nationwide issue, I think this is a pretty

significant issue in our area too.

What would you do to solve, change or improve that situation?

I think this issue needs to maybe be solved on a higher level than just our local government, however there are steps that our local council and community could take. Ensuring safe,

affordable housing for everybody should be an absolute priority.

What's the most important current world issue for you?

Gender equality. Globally, women have fewer opportunities for employment than men, earn less, have less access to basic and higher education, greater safety risks (usually due to men) and less political representation. Besides being a fundamental human right, gender equality is absolutely essential for the betterment of all people.

If the person you would most like to meet came to Indigo, or was already here, who would that be and what would you show them?

I would love to meet chef Rick Stein and show him Beechworth. He is so passionate about his home of Cornwall and all the local produce there, and I would be pretty proud to show him our range of amazing produce (I think our region could defiantly rival his)! Also, if he were here, ideally he could cook us up a feast.

Why would you show him that?

How lucky are we to be surrounded by amazing wineries, olives, honey, cheeses, foraged fungi, coffee roasters and breweries? They are all my favourite things and I am forever grateful that not only do I get to indulge in them, but I can share them with our visitors.

What book are you reading?

I'm reading 'The Library of Lost and Found' by Phaedra Patrick. I do tend to judge a book by its cover so I am trying to be more open to books I wouldn't normally read.