10 May 2024
More than just meeting people’s expectations

SHANNON Beacom was born in Albury and has spent his entire life in Chiltern except for a short time when he moved out town for work in 2017 but then returned to the area two years later.

What do you do workwise?

I am a road maintenance and construction labourer with Indigo Shire Council based in Rutherglen. I have worked with the council since 2012 where I undertook a traineeship in civil construction.

I left the shire for two and a half years to pursue a career as a police custody officer with Victoria Police before returning to work with Indigo Shire Council.

What brought you to your role/career?

I found my passion for civil construction as an 18-year-old when one of my old lieutenants from my fire brigade knew I was looking for work and got me a job labouring for an earthmoving company, which was supposed to be for two days but ended up being two years.

What do you love about your work?

The variety. As I work in a small council, we get to undertake a huge range of tasks.

I also enjoy working in the community, interacting with people and trying to meet their expectations.

What do you do in the community?

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I am the Chiltern Fire Brigade captain. I have been a member for 19 years as I started in the junior brigade as a 13-year-old. I love being involved in the CFA as I get to help people, challenge myself and meet some amazing people. The CFA has shaped the person I am today teaching me life lessons and resilience.

Is there an important community issue that you think needs addressing?

The lack of employment opportunities in Chiltern is a real issue. I see many young families move away from the town, so they do not have to travel for work. If there was an industrial park/ business park and a retirement village built in Chiltern this would provide enough jobs to see people remain and see the town stay sustainable.

What do you see as a national issue?

The cost of living is gripping society these days. My wife and I are fortunate enough to have a mortgage, but I see more and more young families not being able to purchase a home and with the tight housing market not even being able to find a rental.

If the person you would most like to meet came to Indigo Shire (past or present), or was already here, who would that be, what would you show them, and why?

It would be my wife’s late grandmother so she could meet her great grandchildren and see the place we call home. As she was from the Riverland in South Australia, I would take her on a family trip to show her around the forests as they are so different from the Riverland and along Chiltern’s Conness Street so she could see the heritage buildings, and go to my favourite Chiltern Bakery.

What book are you reading?

Throughout my life I have never been a big reader but as I have grown older and now have two young children, I find myself reading kids’ books nearly every second night.

As I am sure many parents would relate – you find yourself reading the same books quite regularly with the Dr Seuss ones being quite a favourite of my little girl’s.